Samvaad Foundation

Case studies 2023 – Late implantee success story

Deeksha was born with hearing impairment and had got a Cochlear implant at a Hosur hospital at the age of 3years. Her mother had been bringing her to therapy in Bangalore only once a week owing to the distance. Consequently, the child had not made much progress in her speech and language abilities.
Our social worker identified Deeksha during one of the screening programs that we run at PHCs and suggested daily sessions in the institute at a nominal cost. The mother agreed and daily therapy began when Deeksha was 4. The child had attention issues also and we began a combination program of ABA, Auditory training and Speech therapy to improve her attending and learning. One year later COVID struck and we had to take our therapy sessions online. After a year of therapy she had achieved sufficient speech and language skills to begin schooling. Since none in her family is fluent in English, we taught her speaking skills in Tamil but reading skills in English. Today, she is well settled and is doing well at both school and home. She can narrate incidences and has achieved communication skills of 4 year old.